There is a distinct shift towards creating an aesthetic physique over pure mass and the following is growing stronger and stronger every day. Classic lines, balance, symmetry are now at the top of social media topics and its great to see a shift back to the true art of bodybuilding. What are the keys to building a truly aesthetic physique…we take a close look at this popular movement.
Aesthetics (/ɛsˈθɛtɪks/; also spelled æsthetics and esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty.
Building or creating an aesthetic physique requires a precise knowledge of training techniques, nutrition and the skill to present the physique through a series of poses to enhance symmetry, lines and physical beauty.
Bigger is not always better! I am sure you have heard the saying “Think big” or even seen it plastered on a cheap t shirt. Yes indeed size is “One” of the key elements to building an aesthetic physique but one element does not over shadow all the other elements including balance, definition, lines, separation and symmetry. I prefer to use the term “Quality over Quantity” when discussing “Aesthetics” because a lean, well shaped physique comprised of lean muscle will kill a bulky soft body any day!
The true essence of an aesthetic physique is the reflection of each body part into the next and the difference between the waistline and the shoulders. The foundation of any great physique is building a classic “V-Taper” in the genre of bodybuilding greats like Steve Reeves, Frank Zane and Bob Paris.
- Do NOT “Bulk up”. The practice of adding bodyfat in the hope to create more muscle is a total aesthetic killer and a total waste of time.
- Eat clean all year round. If you are serious about building a truly aesthetic physique you have to have a clear understanding of good nutrition and this requires clean eating 365 days per year.
- Avoid aesthetic destroying exercises, weighted side bends, heavy deadlifts, heavy squats.
- Focus on muscle groups that will enhance your aesthetics, lats, shoulders these are two key areas that provide that all important upper body width.
- Include super sets with key body parts that are aesthetically complimentary and develop tie-ins so everything on your physique flows.
Arm yourself with the right knowledge
From my observations over the past 30 years of gym experience I have come to the conclusion that a good 90% of people that workout in gyms are doing most exercises incorrectly. It is NOT just a case of visiting the gym and throwing around a few weights. There is an art to activating each muscle you are working to its maximum potential to facilitate muscle growth and etch in detail and lines.
Throwing and flicking weights in crazy fashion will never result in anything other than sheer frustration at the lack of gains you will make.
Check out my “Keys To Physical Perfection” program available on this site. It contains 30 years on hands on experience I have had from a competitive bodybuilder to a past gym owner. Educate yourself, I can guarantee this program will save you 10 years of time wasting efforts in the gym. Learn from the mistakes I have made and corrected so that you can build a truly aesthetic physique and be a part of the new Aesthetic Revolution.
– Steve Jones
Founder / CEO
Powerzone Nutrition