Steve Jones exposes the TOP 5 diet myths from the health and fitness industry! These myths if followed can end up costing you months and months of wasting time and energy.
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Top 5 diet myths exposed by Steve Jones
1. Eating plenty of filling foods in the hope to create a lasting feeling of fullness
Eating plenty of filling foods in the hope to create a lasting feeling of fullness, so you feel satisfied and in control of what, how and when you eat, helping you lose weight. These include fruits and vegetables, unsweetened breakfast cereals, low-fat milk and dairy products, pasta, rice, potatoes, grains and non-creamy soups.
The facts: Follow this crazy advice and you will more than likely join the obesity club in no time. Just the idea of eating “filling foods” entices the thought that you can actually eat these foods until you are in fact full! The hard facts are, fructose the sugar in fruit has been scientifically proven to be more fattening than glucose!
Breakfast cereals that are in fact unsweetened are just as fattening as sugar loaded versions, as all carbs essentially end up as sugar in your blood. Some breakfast cereals actually add chocolate to their product and promote them as healthy! When you see the term “99% Fat Free” you can almost guarantee it is loaded with useless carbs/sugar. Pasta is the worse stodgy carb food you could possibly put in your mouth if you goal is to lose weight or stay slim.
Meats, poultry, fish and eggs are excellent sources of protein the building blocks of nearly every cell in your body. So it makes sense to ensure you are getting enough protein in your diet. The reason vegetables work so well for weightloss is because they contain cellulose a fibre that your body can’t break down, hence it will try in vain but will spend energy doing so and aid in boosting your metabolism.
Vegetables are a far superior choice than fruit when it comes to getting in great shape and maintaining that shape.
Non Creamy soups are never going to make you feel full because they are liquid and provide no bulk what so ever. Anything that is liquid, whether it’s a protein drink, fruit juice, soup will never have the same benefit as a solid food.
2. Counting calories is the only way you will lose weight plus a calorie, is a calorie theory
The Facts: Calories are just numbers your body is a highly advanced machine that recognizes nutrients not calories. Various foods also have specific metabolic advantages over other foods, namely they either enhance the functions or disable them.
Protein foods and essential fats play an integral role in the functioning of all cellular systems within the human body hence they enhance functions. Excessive sugar intake plays havoc with our sensitive metabolism and creates a myriad of dangerous reactions with the body.
These reactions start with high blood sugar levels that can lead to diabetes and obesity.
Excessive sugar intake turns off your body’s ability to burn stored bodyfat, and any excess sugar converts to triglycerides (the building blocks of fat) plumping up your hungry fat cells.
Research has shown that many more calories can be eaten per day if indeed the calories are from proteins and essential fats. The important thing to remember is the way you look and feel is controlled by nutrients NOT calories.
3. You need to eat at least six meals a day to succeed
The Facts: This advice can either work for you or against you and, in many real life cases it’s virtually impossible for the average person who works 9-5 to eat 6 meals per day.
This advice is also taken literally and so many use it to increase the amount of food they eat over a day, this obviously is not going to assist with weightloss.
It is true, there are metabolic demands placed on your body when you consume a meal many assume we are like steam engines and get hot (thermogenic) when we eat. This is not entirely the case as the human body is far more advanced than a simple heat generating engine. Unfortunately, most people do not understand how your body reacts to protein, carbohydrates and fats and how each of these food groups has a different role in the human body, including building muscle, enzymes, bones, and antibodies.
Most of the protein you ingest ends up being used in the digestive process so how would it be possible to even calculate the calories in that food when half of it basically disappears!
Back to the 6 meal a day topic. Yes, protein you could indeed eat six times per day and never have any fear of gaining even a gram of bodyfat. However throw in some carbohydrates at every meal and you have your pancreas working overtime. Pumping out excess insulin and storing any remaining sugar as fat stores in your already overloaded fat cells.
Be mindful of carbohydrates because anything you don’t use will in fact be stored as bodyfat unless you are constantly burning all day long, which is highly unlikely unless you have a very manual job. Sitting behind a desk and eating 6 meals per day is most certainly going to lead to disaster for most. The best approach for most is run with 4 meals, keeping the carbs in for the first two and then just sticking with protein for the latter two meals. If you need the six meals include carbs in the first 3 and then protein and vegetables only for the latter 3 meals.
4. Meal replacement powders are a great way to lose body fat and get in shape.
The facts: Meal replacement powders are a sure fire way to set yourself up for total failure when it comes to maintaining an ideal weight. Liquids provide no bulk in the stomach so therefore you will constantly be hungry. Another reason you will have constant hunger is because most of the commercial meal replacements on the market contain ingredients that stimulate insulin release, hence an increased appetite. Most of these wonder weightloss drinks contain fairly high levels of carbs that are very quick at entering your blood stream.
The faster the carbs enter the higher the insulin response, more sugar is then removed from the blood and the hunger sets in because your blood sugar levels are now low. The facts are if you rely on liquid supplements you are essentially going to make your stomach become lazy, it will not digest food too well because less enzymes are produced.
If indeed nature had intended we live on liquids we would not have a stomach and a set of teeth, we would just have a hole where we poured liquid into! Much like filling up your car with petrol! The human body is meant to digest solid protein foods as these foods place a metabolic demand on the body and assist with boosting the metabolism.
Liquids have very little metabolic value, provide no satiety and will prime your body to gain massive amounts of weight as soon as you start eating normally.
Do you think you could really live on liquid meal replacements for the rest of your life?
Of course not, so sooner or later you will revert back to solid food and if you are not educated on the rights and wrongs of various foods groups you will end up gaining massive amounts of bodyfat.
One main reason why these meal replacements appeal to so many is the fact that they are a quick and easy approach. Just throw in some water or milk and add the powder and whammo you have an instant meal. One vital fact will always remain, convenience comes with a price and most things that are quick and easy are generally short cuts that will cost you in the long term. These magical weight shredding drink formulas are also highly processed products, much of nature’s goodness is stripped from these formulas making them A poor option compared to natural unprocessed foods. A good rule of thumb is the more processing the food has gone through the worse it is on a nutritional standpoint.
Try and eat foods that are as close to nature as intended for the best results.
The one reason a diet high in animal proteins and fibrous vegetables works so well is because it is as nature intended, untempered with and loaded full of nutrients.
5. Eating fat will make you fat.
This is only marginally true because carbs are more the guilty party, however there are good fats and bad fats.
The Facts: Good fats are classified as EFAs or essential fatty acids and these are best derived from PEOs Parent Essential Oils. The bad fats are fats and oils that humans have tampered with by changing the chemical structure to make them less oxidative. Meaning you could basically keep a tub of margarine on your window sill for 6 months and it would still be good enough to eat! These bad fats are called “Trans Fats” because they have been chemically transformed to resist oxidation and extend shelf life. The problem with extending a fats shelf life is the effect that these trans fats have when your body tries to use them to rebuild your delicate cellular membranes. Trans Fats have been linked to many major diseases the worse of these being cancer, and the reason is they interrupt normal cellular function.
So be aware on all food labels of the words “trans fats” and “Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable oil” because they are one of the same thing just worded differently.
The only fats you should consume are those contained naturally in animal proteins and those in natural, unprocessed oils in the forms of PEOs (Parent Essential Oils).
PEO’s are oils untouched by man, in their true form as nature intended.
You body can make all the EFA’s from the PEOs to ensure optimum cellular functions.
PEO’s can be supplemented into your diet with a PEO supplement that contains the exact ratio of omega 3 to omega 6. These oils will assist with optimizing your energy levels, quality of your skin and hair, support natural hormone production, provide immune protection and actually assist with the weightloss process by curbing your appetite.
Beware of any vegetables oils that have been treated chemically or, with high heat levels because this damages the structure and makes the oil more harmful for your health. Be aware of the oils you use for cooking as most oils become damaged when heat is applied.
The one oil that can be used for cooking without becoming degraded is coconut oil, this can be obtained from most major health food stores. Avoid cooking with canola oil, soy bean oil, olive oil. Canola oil is a man made oil and holds no nutritional value for your body at all so avoid this at all costs.
If you are going to use Olive oil, only use it for cold salads dressings etc. Do not use it for cooking because there is little point in buying cold pressed olive oil and then heating it to high temperatures.
Essential fats are of more importance to the human body than carbohydrates because your body can’t make EFA’s and they have to be supplied through your diet.
The same applies for protein/EAAs (Essential amino acids) your body requires them for muscle growth and repair and you need to supply adequate supplies through your diet.
Don’t be scared of ingesting fats, especially the good fats because they do play an integral part in your health and well being. Just look out for the trans fats because these are the nasty fats that should have no place in your diet what so ever. It pays to include a PEO supplement to ensure you are in fact getting the correct ratio of Omega 3 to omega 6.
This will ensure you are getting everything you need for optimum health and fitness.
Be aware of mainstream dietary myths because many of the companies who try and spin you this mis-information are usually selling high carb foods! They will often quote 99% fat free in their marketing campaigns to mislead the public into thinking they are consuming a healthy product. Ignore those who recommend super low fat diets that include lots of carbs, they have no idea on how the human body functions.
Throw away your highly processed breakfast cereals and replace them with good old fashioned rolled oats. For long term weightloss ensure your diet includes
enough quality proteins and EFA’s ( PEOs).
Forget counting calories, it is a silly approach that means nothing at all to your body. The human body is not a simple counting machine, it is a chemical factory that extracts nutrients from foods for structure and function. Many of these so called calories are used up in the digestion process so it’s virtually pointless counting them!
Dump the liquid meal replacements there is no real nutritional or metabolic value in these products and they will only serve to destroy your metabolism and set you up for future weight gain. The basic rule of thumb- eat your food do not drink it!
Stay well clear of celebrity diets you see in tabloid magazines these are downright crazy. Movie stars are actors; know nothing about nutrition and probably follow lifestyles which are totally contradictory to health and fitness.
Losing weight and keeping it off is actually quite easy if you follow the guidelines we have just covered.